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The Dennis Prager Show

Untethered Balloons

1 hour 11 minutes | Sunday, February 18, 2024

Dennis and Julie open with first impressions …is this a good, intelligent, charming, or wealthy person?  Do you have a goodness detector?  How can you assess one's goodness? Knowledge and intelligence are not synonymous.  We all have micro and macro beliefs... one might have great micro beliefs and atrocious macro beliefs.  Who influences people more high school or college teachers?  Do you remember your teachers?  The definition of courage is who tells the truth.  Younger generations aren't gowing up like they used to… meeting people… being independent… is it tougher to be a young person today than it was in the past.  What are the factors, now versus then, that have changed?  In the past there was no war on reality, more patriotism, more religion, and two parents in the home.  Younger folks were not as jaded… there was less gender confusion in the past.  Tearing things down is easy, building things up is much tougher.  Dennis uses Where the Boys Are -1961 Connie Francis, to show how popular music reflects the change in young people over the years.  They address technology and pornography... and its effect on intimacy.  We are a sex obsessed society, but have less intimacy.  Dennis shares his drivers test fail.  What is self-gifting.  Julie points out that "manifesting" is secular praying, and  "the universe" is secular God. Music: Straight to the Point c 2022Richard Friedman Music Publishing 100%Richard Friedman Writers 100%ASCAP (PRO)IPI128741568RichardFriedmanMusic.comSee for privacy information.

Untethered Balloons
The Dennis Prager Show

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