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Armed American Radio

11-12-24 Mark chats with David Codrea post election

40 minutes | Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Today on Armed American Radio Daily Defense, Mark talks with David Codrea from about the state of the nation post-Trump election victory and what it means for our 2nd Amendment gun rights going forward. The discussion centered around the Senate leadership battle brewing in DC now that Republicans have regained control of the US Senate. Who will succeed Mitch McConnell as Majority Leader? The three top contenders so far to date are John Thune, John Cornyn, and Rick Scott. None are top picks for Mark or David, and together we break down the good, the bad, and the ugly of each of the three.

The legacy media failures were also discussed in detail and how the breakdown of failed media will impact the Trump administration. Will the media be relevant moving into the future post-election after so many lies and bias were obvious? Will media ever be trusted again on any level by voters? The consensus on AAR is NO.




11-12-24 Mark chats with David Codrea post election
Armed American Radio

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